We Go Together: Part 1

In todays blog I want to highlight a particular scripture passage that has significantly influenced my behavior and shaped my values in this recent season.

In Ephesians 4:1-3 Paul expresses, “I, therefore, a prisoner of the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you've been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the spirit and the bond of peace.”

Now, let’s break down this passage into three key thoughts that have helped me value and walk out the admonition of Paul from this passage, and I hope will help you do the same.

Key 1: A Worthy Walk

Firstly, consider the context in which Paul is addressing the Ephesians. He finds himself in prison, encouraging them to walk in a manner befitting followers of Jesus. Consider if Paul, from a place of adversity, reached out to you, offering insights into how to walk in a manner worthy of your calling. In essence, imagine you get a phone call from jail and it’s Paul and He says, I want to give you the secret I have learned of walking worthy of Jesus. Your curiousity would undoubtedly be peaked, and you lean forward with expectation of the spiritual secret he is about to tell you.

Key 2: Counter Cultural Values

But His response might be surprising, as it contrasts with our human expectations of what is most important. Paul challenges your conventional wisdom, redirecting attention from intellectual prowess or displays of power to the subtleties of humility, gentleness, patience, and love. These virtues, often overlooked in a world enamored with strength and dominance, are the foundation of a life that mirrors the character of Christ. In essence, Ephesians four urges us to internalize the qualities within these verses, allowing them to shape our daily lives and interactions. This is what makes a worthy Christian walk. But Paul doesn’t stop there.

Key 3: Producing Unity and True Peace

Lastly, embracing a worthy walk rooted in these values will produce something vital among us as a body, and not just individually. This isn’t merely a formula for personal serenity but a blueprint for nurturing unity within the body of believers. The unity described in verse 4:3 isn’t a superficial peace but a profound spiritual reality that is hard fought to achieve and maintain. Unity provides the fertile ground from which spiritual wellbeing of the Christian body and the expression of diverse gifts within the community can flourish. A healthy effective body must be bound together in unity and peace. Recognizing the precious nature of this peace and unity, we are called to actively safeguard it. It’s not an artificial harmony but a hard-earned victory achieved through deliberate practice of humility, gentleness, patience, and long-suffering. By embodying these virtues, we contribute to a unified body, collectively walking in a manner truly worthy of Jesus.

-Billy Humphrey


Reflection and Remembrance