Sharing the Simple gospel

If you are like me, I often struggle with sharing the gospel with people that are close relationally or that randomly pop in my life at the grocery store or while getting a haircut. I am convinced for most devoted followers of Jesus there is a desire and impulse to tell people about Jesus, yet something internally is causing our mouths to stay closed. Perhaps there are many possible reasons, but as I have zeroed in on my own heart, I have discovered it is because I have forgotten how simple the gospel is and how easy it is to communicate to others. There is a sense we have to be a bible scholars and prepared to answer every question the person might have which overwhelms us, so we don’t even try.

The truth is there is inherent power in just sharing the good news of who Jesus is and what He has accomplished for us. I recall on one occasion when I worked as a restaurant manager, one of our cooks would make comments about how he didn’t believe in God. Mike was an intellectual and would often flex his mental muscle when people talked to him about any subject. I had a heart to share with him but assumed I would not be able to stand toe to toe with the volley of well-prepared defenses. One day we were both in the breakroom by ourselves and I felt the Holy Spirit saying just do it! I took about 3-5 minutes and shared with him the simple gospel and how Jesus transformed my life. Mike was speechless and he gave me permission to pray for him. I am not sure what ultimately happened in Mike’s life, but that day he heard the gospel. I was reminded then and continue to be amazed how much power is in the simple message of the gospel we all carry.

Luke 19:1-9 records the account of Jesus and Zacchaeus. Here Jesus models for us how simple it can be to see a man’s life and family change forever. Jesus basically did two things, He initiated a conversation and connected relationally. We are not privy to the conversation, but the result was dramatic! We do not have to be seminary graduates or psychologists to talk and have a meal with people, we do it all the time. Take a step of faith and just see what happens. The seeds we are sowing and the water we are pouring (I Cor. 3:6) are powerful and what God uses to bring hope and salvation.

A few questions for reflection:

  1. Do I know the truths of the simple Gospel? Both spiritually and practically?

  2. Does my life display the goodness and the love of Christ to others?

  3. Practicing. sharing your personal testimony this week to three people (friends or strangers) in 3 minutes or less.

Today’s blog is written by one of our pastors at GateCity Church, Dustin Pennington, and is a part of our new series, NEIGHBORHOODS TO NATIONS. To watch our latest teaching in this series please visit our Youtube channel.


the gospel starts with god


A Culture of Invitation